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fragments from THE CONNOSSIEUR

He inserts his cock into my ass,

and there is a sensation.

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i am not a boneless, just feral.
There are many types of sensations.
i i i i i i i i am not a connoisseur.






He inserts his cock into my ass,
And we both wait for the fifth and final coming of the savior.

Flood waters swirl around my hands and knees. My lips form a soft O. A swarm of cockroaches (an ancient and noble species, from which I am descended) pours forth from my mouth. They drip infectious agents into the water, polluting our bodies, we are stuck to this mattress for all eternity, your cock still inside me. It is like a trapped animal, it thrashes and bites me, and you whisper, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, but you can’t control the damn thing. It has abandoned you. We are both unmade by your unceasing apologies. The roaches hunger and curse- fly in zig-zags through the town. They possess. They build churches. They profess from the altar. They sleep. They drown. They have families. They devour their children. They build and tear down empires. They fail to recycle their plastic water bottles.







He slid his cock into my asshole,

And there was a sensation.


Your colon is haunted he says, I can feel ghosts tapping
messages on the head of my penis.

I flail my arms and make a gesture.







He inserts his cock into my ass,

And there was a sensation.


My mother was a houseplant.

From her aye learned how to thrive under extreme conditions (see: the art of lurking in the crevices & how to move easily between the many planes of life and death).

There is a thin layer of mold covering my waxy surfaces. It is nearly invisible but not impossible to detect. Aye will wait for you to smell me, There. that is me.

Aye will never reproduce, aye am stuck perpetually in a juvenile state. When my family line hits puberty we grow 40 feet tall, and our hands become the size of glass doors. Aye sever my own aerial roots, although aye have not found a way to cull them from my flesh completely, aye am exploring new methods of extermination every day.







He inserts his cock into my ass,

there is a sensation.


Here is my dress. It is sheer and pink and easy to open and… (symbol) ask, have you ever swallowed your own seeds? Were you afraid of what you would plant in your own belly? Did you rub pesticide on your skin like lotion (symbol) realize this is a mistake to ask, because no matter what you say (symbol) cannot believe you for my own survival’s sake.


Inside my mouth are cockroaches

And inside their jaws are miniature versions of my ex-lovers. They are dead and dead and dead and… you curse me for inviting them into the bedroom and our lives and (symbol) wax eloquently about how the dead are meant to be held in the mouth to prevent tooth & spiritual decay.


(symbol) have never had a cavity.

return to ISSUE ONE

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