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It starts out as a chain letter
game of telephone
construction paper series of loops
not until Christmas
but until your own birthday
like you could be Christ
but sparklier¬dead
Your blood is sitting pretty
in your body I am sure of it
This room a world
in which we need NEVERENTER
anywhere with fluorescent lighting
not even to buy toilet paper
The method here is not much outside of rainbows
anyone can see as long as clouds
are more like peeled-apart cottoncandy&enough
pairs of sunglasses have fallen nicely
between our heads&ears
I’m not asking to be in love
just to keep the sensation
that what is invisible&good
in me is leaning so far forward
you can see it a little
I should know more
about glam rock if I’m going
to let all this glitter out
Here it isn’t about what you don’t know though
rather how pink it can be
Pink in that it is sometimes sexual but also
pink in that it is new&sofilled
only potential takes on
A bunch of children running
all around inside or outside it doesn’t matter
The light makes everything warm&amess
the plates on the tables ALLACOLOR
&somewhere winter has again promised summer
it will make the trip
&againstallodds the adults in the room
have found a bubble of air in the corner
from which to breathe&speak
Not a lot gets finished
Ways are found to enter
theater is left empty
but spreading out a little
the right amount of peanut butter
for every drop of honey
The bees this year
seem practically caffeinated
Even the small trees are applauding
We could talk about Paris
or where we left the mountains
but the TRUTHIS our most urgent
consideration is the discovery of
NEWTONES of white noise
Our mothers’ showers
running all night through the walls
A friend seldom heard from asks
How yesterday when I forgot
the world&could do nothing
Rachel said “look how well you
are breathing”
as though I were
some kind of miracle
This morning I am starting the fire
in the middle of the field
as both apology&forgiveness
or thanks
for how last night’s dreams went
It feels well to be left
well enough alone
My hair grows
long&chooses a color
&when I think of the dentist I forget
I am no longer
offered a prize
I’ll admit it
I am so ready to love
Lately when I read
the words fall out
My brain stays on a page
I can’t hold onto quite
Same goes for speaking
&though I refuse
to lament any loss lost
here there is a wildfire
pink sunset HOTLIGHT
to it all
Like my fingernails
the hats they put on newborns
week -old lilies SOOPEN
they thicken the room
Today Dale said
“I’m a daddy”&I liked it
Not sex but a puppy
That a dog’s name is Tim
is another reason to like
Same serotonin as grass cutting
the cool morning before the game starts
Weird things make other people happy
&when they do we are all walking through rain
encouraging me toward the water’s edge
toward a smudge or two of blue above
Once we were math poets
now we are mud poets
the children say
&it is on-brand&inavoidance of cliffs
Sharpie&agoodfont never saved anybody
but for a few more years
we’ll be standing on rocks
screaming LOVE’S NOT GONE
until the light catches up
I read it’s easy for just one part of the rainbow
to disappear like indigo for example
it’s the easiest thing
I’ve had to remember
On today’s wish I wished
One of the rules is four
is not always unlucky
How my body knows the date
each year without textual prompting
This poem that poem
How sex can go fast&quiet
Without you is nothing to mourn
more a way to feel good about
someday I will be an old lady
&will no longer keep track
of whose or whose death lingered longer
on this birthday NOTHEN
it will be every day
chocolate cake in bed
Cart before the horse or chickens, etc.
I choose a shield covered in kaleidoscope
keep the joy safe all day
Michelle said “Poets are butterflies because
all their beauty comes out at once&then
they are dead how are they not already
always dead”
Imagine every liquid the color
of grapefruit juice or imagine
the inevitable occurring
all at once just once
It’s not ever an isolated instance of violence
&asthebeatdrops I can see you&yourlimbs
taking up a whole side of the room
To be okay with the couple extra pounds of ASSFAT
creeping out the sides of a new swimsuit
is no small trophy in the litany of changing rooms
That I can see you waiting insofar as the airport gate
is illegal&romantic
The days too long to resist
toothpick through the unbaked cake
of my heart&pulling it out unclean
still surprised to find it
covered in wet batter
Thing is I’d walk toward you anyway
let you LOOKATME like I’m a wedding
the shape of a galaxy
you’ve only heard the name of
What if YOUKNOW being happy
did get bigger than being right
like not quite full moon full moon
tomorrow so you can see just
HOWCLOSE to grown you are
Remember your mother
say thank you for HOWLONG
an afternoon alone with you
The champagne days hardly passed
confetti ALLOVER their love
Yes think of your parents
having GOODSEX the kind that makes
yummy children think of them
as pen tips held to a new mattress
Walk out the door LIKETHAT
not just having finally had one good night
of sleep but believing really believing
everyone else did too
One thing to learn is
The books you’ve read soak into the soles
of my feet while I stand in the river I soak
them up from its bed
Sleep nectar is not all bad
We are mostly alive there
Having written many thousands
of poems
I decide to be the WHOLEOCEAN
How even thinking about it you can
no longer find a ribbon
LONGENOUGH to tie around me
Here’s to dying in relative obscurity
Glasses of fortifying tonic raised high
above our heads I’ll name you
Everything&everyone around us a darkness
we’ll welcome just for the memory that we are
yes still upright or more accurately about to take flight
Having had no time to arrive
to fold the fitted sheets or even spit
in our palms fast enough to slam them
What wild love have I
left in me
Even then
Standing on one foot
or a little jump rope a little
A poem sets its title
in bold&WOW just like that
my heart is the floor again
even here
Always another beauty from the EASTCOAST
with goodglasses&goodmanners
This brings comfort in the same measure
it is worrisome to shout loud internet
To walk or punish myself into listening
to the little birds because it is nearly
spring&thewarm air is nice to sing into
but even they are calling out to each other
Only sort of listening is one way to decide
I’d hold handfuls of bees
I mean my mouth is full of honey&myhair
Our POSSIBLEDAUGHTER shows up in the poem
I did not know she was there&howslow
it took me to love what loved me back
Thick gold melts into baseball
&again baseball
Still my dreams are safe from you&reserved
for only my fondest dead
Tho if our lives were at sea
we’d have a widow’s walk&I’dwalkit
I don’t want to hear just the song anymore
We go from locked in the dungeon
to a classroom with chalkboards
The kind that teach boys to grab GIRLSASSES
slowly gradually if still without asking
You leave me a 2+minute voicemail&you
are in my room again
You have had so many good haircuts
It’s still possible we could make art or money
or babies that work
live in houses with floral wallpaper we put there
on purpose not just floral wallpaper we tolerate
It is almost safe to say neither of us will go to war
before we are too old to go to war&inthisway
we have already had luck
the walls of our childhood bedrooms painted
colors we remember
The tenderness of uncertainty
is a tenderness
I tend to
To often do one thing over another
is to tend
to fly over
is to care for
I think lately about whether
WHENNEXT I fall in love
or have a baby or plant a garden
start a book there will be SUCHATHING
as splitting
There is of course
just as there are
hills in Nebraska&trees
&asImake my way across this country
already fires everywhere
Or a try at spring
ridding it of leaves soggy with gone snow
burn to get to the ground&hearit
What kind of rite of passage do I need
in order to truly know 1,000 jokes
A word I forgot I loved finds its way
back a decade later
Mary said Basho said to only use “fuck”
every 1,000 poems
Like breathing I eat fruits
take pictures
name everything I see “birthday cake”
Lilly wants to move to the desert
Once I saw her cry&understood her as a child
Someday when she has a baby I will hold it
When sons die their voices grow huge
Mothers look behind them float
each other out to sea on rafts
made from driftwood&tornapart clothes
No mistakes here only a word
Though not done justice to
by a camera embedded into a phone
at times LIGHTIS the one thing in the room
keeping your eyes going
keeping them going
Hungry for a variety of blues&greens
for the occasional pink
OURART is blue mostly
except when it is pink
as on the birthdays
marking decades
What I love about you
is the smell of my sad perfume
is also sad to you
even on the subway on a Saturday
during the part it goes above ground
&thesun is shining&youremember
what reasons there are to live
in New York
while I am alone in Colorado
inside a dark plane ride
with only screwdrivers&greyhounds
as color
We do get older
fall in love finally
with the right person
Discover light
we thought was in pieces
is actually whole
The thing I didn’t realize
was that IWOULDBE in love
or at least LEANINGHARD
into promises
My mother’s Christmas vision
is of a TALLMAN dark hair
in the kitchen with children
I wake at 1, 2, 3
in the morning
to realize
I have not built
enough rituals in
When Becky asked
“Do you want to plan something special”
she did not mean a trip
to the beach
for the good photos
She meant
Do you want to bury a stone in the sand
Do you want to hold hands once more
before I marry
Something changes
each other
need more swimming
at night&atdawn
I wish on all the candles
to feel only one thing at a time
Put on a tulle skirt
silver bra orange cardigan
call myself BORNAGAIN
or an ice cream truck
Either way it wants a little more darkness
so a storm forms off the hills
The wind blows
I bunch my skirt into a
wait while a ladybug
crosses the whole sidewalk
in the direction of safety
The storm likes the part that isn’t sad
but growing up never happened
as fast as we needed it to
My grays come in
I tell them
in the same voice
I ask you
JUSTLIKETHAT I look everywhere
&cannotfind anything but photos
of the two of us
I search&search
I invite you to an ALLNIGHTDINER
I also invite a photographer
My goal is to return to the time
I could imagine us separate
The photographer takes dozens&dozens
of portraits
JUSTME sitting on MINTGREEN barstool
I try to remember if there was ever
such a color as PLAINPINK
We wake up
The film is ruined
by an ALLMORNING exposure
to your face
&through the wall of flowers
it seems all in the mob are smelling
nice&different today
It’s okay to make a beautiful thing
without thinking too hard about it
I yell
Nobody notices
All brains are not the same
Yours is a mirror in the floor
with the sun ALLUPONIT
casting shadows into the signifiers
we learned separately as kids
while moving toward you
in disbelief
that we were ever anything
but staring into each other
trying to extract
to be taken into pocket
for the days we skip
my foot catches on
the rainbow lost
&I trip
but it looks like
return to ISSUE ONE
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